
Showing posts from January, 2019

List of Verbs (Conceptual Framework for Curriculum Unit)

Examine: To inspect in detail or investigate thoroughly; students will investigate enduring ideas in detail and express their findings in the forms of visual media.  Explore:  inquire into or discuss (a subject or issue) in detail, in order to familiarize oneself. Students will learn to discuss art concepts and contemporary art issues in detail, to familiarize themselves with the art world and practices. Express: to  convey (a thought or feeling) in words or by gestures; students will learn to express their thoughts/feelings through artistic gestures without words.  Interpret: to  explain the meaning of; students will explain the meanings of art works, both their own and well-known artists' works to gain deeper understanding and insights into the artists intent and meaning of the work.  Communicate: S hare or exchange information, news, or ideas. Students will share ideas through art forms, and learn to view art as a form of communication and expression.  Build: C onstru

Metaphor for Teaching/Learning

I think that a good metaphor for learning would be creating a work of art, like a painting. The goal of teaching is to facilitate learning, and so like a painting it starts with a collection of raw materials. For a painting, these raw materials would include wood or canvas, paint, and brushes. There are many different ways to combine these materials, and an endless number of creations that can come from them. In this metaphor the raw materials used for painting represent a collection of practical knowledge and skills introduced in a classroom setting to facilitate learning, and there are an endless number of ways to teach and combine these skills to build knowledge. Learning fuses these elements together to transform into knowledge. A painting begins with choosing a subject and applying paint in a repetition of motion. Learning begins with choosing a subject as well, or idea to focus on, and repetition in painting is the practice required to develop any skill. Learning requires repet